If your Account has No Coverage, you are choosing not to participate in the Program, or your account is not eligible. Your Account will not have an Overdraft Honor Limit and we will decline ATM and one-time debit card transactions if you do not have enough funds in your Available Balance at the time you attempt to use your Card.
If you prefer that your Account have No Coverage, you may submit a written request to Overdraft Client Services at Republic Bank, Attn: Overdraft Honor, 601 W. Market St, Louisville, KY 40202, by visiting any of our banking centers, or by calling us toll-free at 1-866-562-8810.
Please know that Overdraft Fees, Returned Item Fees, and the $8 Daily Overdraft Fee beginning on the third consecutive Business Day for each Business Day your Account’s Current Balance is overdrawn up to fourteen (14) Business Days apply to your Account even if you request No Coverage for your Account. In addition, you may be subject to additional fees charged by your vendor/ merchant for returned Items.